Videos tagged with Fuqua School of Business

  • Panel IV of the conference Combating Terrorism: Charting the Course for a New Administration, held April 10-11, 2008, Duke University, Durham N.C.

    Recorded on April 11, 2008.

    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

    Appearing: Sara Sun Beale, chair; Karl Metzner, Michael E. Tigar, The Honorable David B. Sentelle, and Normal Abrams,

  • Panel 5 of the conference Combating Terrorism: Charting the Course for a New Administration, held April 10-11, 2008, Duke University, Durham N.C.

    Recorded on April 11, 2008.

    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

    Appearing: Scott L. Silliman, chair ; John Radsan, Aziz Huq, Michael F. Scheuer, and Mark Mazzetti, panelists.

  • Panel VI of the conference Combating Terrorism: Charting the Course for a New Administration, held April 10-11, 2008, Duke University, Durham N.C.

    Recorded on April 11, 2008.

    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

    Appearing: Kathryn W. Bradley, chair ; Major General Jack L. Rives, John Radsan, David J. Luban and Patrick F. Philbin, panelists.

  • April 11, 2009 luncheon speaker at the conference Combating Terrorism: Charting the Course for a New Administration, held April 10-11, 2008, Duke University, Durham N.C.

    Recorded on April 11, 2008.

    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

    Talk titled: Domestic Security Considerations for 2009 & Beyond

    Appearing: Paul Rosenzweig, speaker.

  • April 10, 2009 luncheon speakers at the conference Combating Terrorism: Charting the Course for a New Administration, held April 10-11, 2008, Duke University, Durham N.C.

    Recorded on April 10, 2008.

    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

    Dialog titled: Shaping Our Foreign Policy for the Continuing War on Terrorism

    Appearing: Luncheon speakers: Bruce W. Jentleson and Peter D. Feaver, speakers.

  • Panel II of the conference Combating Terrorism: Charting the Course for a New Administration, held April 10-11, 2008, Duke University, Durham N.C.

    Recorded on April 10, 2008.

    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

    Appearing: Panel 2. Robert M. Chesney, chair ; Lisa Graves, Suzanne Spaulding, Honorable Benjamin A. Powell, and James Baker, panelists.

  • Opening comments and Panel I of the conference Combating Terrorism: Charting the Course for a New Administration, held April 10-11, 2008, Duke University, Durham N.C.

    Recorded on April 10, 2008.

    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

    Appearing: Opening remarks. Scott L. Silliman, speaker ; Panel 1. Christopher H. Schroeder, chair ; Nadia Naviwala, Scott Horton, Stephen Hedger and David Hammond, panelists.

  • April 10, 2009 dinner speaker at the conference Combating Terrorism: Charting the Course for a New Administration, held April 10-11, 2008, Duke University, Durham N.C.

    Recorded on April 10, 2008.

    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

    Talk titled: Iraq: Acknowledging Past Errors and Future Challenges.

    Appearing: His Excellency Samir Sumaida'ie, Ambassador of the Republic of Iraq to the United States, speaker.

  • Panel III of the conference Combating Terrorism: Charting the Course for a New Administration, held April 10-11, 2008, Duke University, Durham N.C.

    Recorded on April 10, 2008.

    Law, Ethics and National Security Conference.

    Appearing: A. Mark Weisburd, chair; Amos N. Guiora, Ron Atkey, Nicholas Rostow, and David Bickford, panelists.